More information about Holfelder Holding

Because the environment is worth it to us – sustainability at TCT

Sustainable business is a matter close to our hearts and a crucial topic for the future of our entire industry. Therefore, we have set ourselves numerous sustainability goals, which we are implementing with vigor.

Our warehouses are being converted to climate-neutral operation using photovoltaics and combined heat and power plants, and we are using electric industrial trucks that we can power using our own PV systems. A high freight volume per vehicle can also measurably increase sustainability: using our long trailers, more freight is transported per trip. To ensure logistics that save as much CO2 as possible, we try to avoid unnecessary transport – such as empty trips or unused volumes – as often as possible. We always work with our customers to create individual solutions that meet our requirements and theirs.

TCT’s LNG fleet already uses 90 percent less logistics CO2 compared to diesel vehicles, thereby reducing the carbon footprint of the entire company. In cooperation with Alternoil, we even operate our own LNG filling station, which provides bio-LNG for our vehicles. The DAF electric vehicles in our fleet use even less for detours and short journeys.

We have set ourselves the goal of EMAS certification in 2023 in order to create a sustainability report. EMAS enables companies to save resources efficiently. This protects the environment and gives us an opportunity to reduce costs and be socially responsible. The system ensures that all environmental aspects, from energy consumption to waste and emissions, are implemented in a legally compliant, transparent manner.

As participants in the Bavarian Environmental Pact, we are already taking responsibility for future generations. Our participation in the initiative allows us to further promote corporate environmental protection in Bavaria.

Our services are certified

IFS Logistics Version 2.3


DIN EN ISO 9001:2015


Bio-Zertifikat 2018/848


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